Recommended replacement: DM NVX® AV-over-IP technology
Industry-leading DM NVX products offer all the features and functions of both DigitalMedia switchers, and a lot more:
Secure by design
Certified by NIAP and JITC, enabling new avenues for both non-DoD government agencies and government entities around the world.
Tested and proven
Adopted globally by government agencies, Fortune 500® companies, and universities since 2017. Proven solution for the most demanding installations: mission-critical government control centers, Esports arenas, corporate boardrooms, videowalls, and more.
Fully interoperable
Works seamlessly with previous DigitalMedia switchers and the Crestron ecosystem, plus highly scalable to support changing needs.
Reaches more endpoints across your network
Eliminates input/output restrictions of large, localized chassis matrix switchers. Easily connect 100s of devices and displays anywhere on your network.
Supports today’s highest resolutions
Transmit clear, crisp video, from 1080p60 to 4K60 4:4:4, over your existing network infrastructure.
No need to upgrade or strain bandwidth. Ideal for applications that rely on real-time video transmission, such as hybrid conferencing and command and control centers.